Students of Urana Central School are drawn from the Urana township and from nearby properties. They bring to school diverse experiences of rural life and have varied interests and ambitions that we endeavour to cater for in the learning process.
All classes benefit from the low teacher to student ratio. Individual student differences are recognised and catered for in the best possible way. Students with physical, emotional, behavioural and intellectual disabilities participate and are educated in our learning community, whilst students with talented intellectual, communication, and athletic abilities are likewise encouraged to achieve to their potential.
The school is committed to raising awareness of and providing access to many valuable aspects of life that may be overlooked in a geographically isolated community. Quality teaching and learning activities and programs are of the utmost importance. The school also has a strong emphasis on the use of technology to enhance learning.
Emphasis on citizenship and leadership is further evidenced by the encouragement of students to adopt positions such as school captains, sport house captains, and Student Council Representatives.
Download our school brochure here:
Urana CS Brochure (PDF 148KB)